Donnie Adkinson


Donnie Adkinson

I started learning to play drums at age 9. Fumbling with sticks and learning by ear soon after.

Playing along to local rock stations. I started my first band at age 13-14yrs old. At 14-15 started to play gigs locally in Atlanta. Soon after High School the gigging picked up and turned into touring by age 20. Many, many U.S tours one deported back European tour and one successful European tour. I signed to a label in 2005 for my First professional release. (TLO) Dead rhythm Machine. 6-8 years. After that began touring and writing with current band WHORES. Since then have had only a couple other projects (SLOKAV and YEAH BASH) to dive in to different styles of playing. I currently have 1 U.S.and European tour coming this winter/spring. 2025


