
Cast in the USA from melted cymbals acquired from our recycling program, this instrument is finished and assembled in Canada.

These crotales are the realization of a dream born from years of frustration with available products. They are significantly heavier and larger in diameter than any other crotale on the market, providing a larger dynamic range, longer sustain, purer sound, impeccable tuning, done by master tuner Warren Hyer, and a durability that will take them from the orchestra to the field. This is the crotale sound you have been searching for.

While we offer octaves in the standard C5-C7 range, we also sell individual notes and stock extended range notes down to A4 - including the extra pitches required for Toru Takemitsu's classic "Rain Tree" for percussion trio.

Our selection:

Crotale note single extra low specify pitch
Crotale note single extra low specify pitch
Crotale note single specify pitch c5-c7
Crotale note single specify pitch c5-c7
Crotale Octave - High - w/ Frame
Crotale Octave - High - w/ Frame
Crotale Octave - Low - w/ Frame
Crotale Octave - Low - w/ Frame